Vindicia is a Software-as-a-Service firm that offers subscription, billing and fraud management solutions for online merchants.
Business Model: SAAS
Revenue: $90M
Employees: 51-200
Address: 2988 Campus Drive
City: San Mateo
State: CA
Zip: 94403
Country: US
Vindicia is a Software-as-a-Service firm that offers subscription, billing and fraud management solutions for online merchants.
Contact Phone:
Contact Email:
Announced Date | Company | Transaction | Money Raised |
Announced Date | Transaction | Number of Investors | Money Raised | Lead Investors | 11/2010 | Series E | 4 | $20M |
DCM Ventures FTV Capital BDMI ONSET Ventures FTV Capital DCM Ventures FTV Capital BDMI ONSET Ventures FTV Capital |
3/2008 | Series C | 2 | $5.6M |
DCM Ventures Leader Ventures DCM Ventures Leader Ventures DCM Ventures Leader Ventures DCM Ventures Leader Ventures |
1/2004 | Series A | $1M | 7/2009 | Series D | 4 | $7.5M |
ONSET Ventures Leader Ventures DCM Ventures BDMI ONSET Ventures ONSET Ventures Leader Ventures DCM Ventures BDMI ONSET Ventures |
10/2010 | Series E | $20M |
FTV Capital ONSET Ventures DCM BDMI |
1/2005 | Series B | $3.5M |
Announced Date | Name | Price |
Revenue: 0 - 100000 Employees: Industry: Software |
Revenue: 0 - 100000 Employees: 51 - 500 Industry: Education |
Revenue: 0 - 100000 Employees: 1 - 10 Industry: Blockchain |
Revenue: 0 - 100000 Employees: 11 - 50 Industry: Industrial |
Revenue: 0 - 100000 Employees: 1 - 10 Industry: Advertising |