Henderson Global Investors

Henderson Global Investors is a global investment company.

Business Model:

Revenue: $907.9M

Employees: 1,001-5,000


Detailed Henderson Global Investors Information

Henderson Global Investors was acquired by Janus Capital Group.
The acquisition happend on 2016-10-03.
Details of the transaction were not public

Geographic Data

Henderson Global Investors headquarters map

Address: 201 Bishopsgate

City: London

State: england

Zip: EC2M 3AE

Country: GB

Financial Info


Raised Last:


Raised Total:



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Henderson Group is the holding company of the investment management group Henderson Global Investors. Henderson Group&s;s principal place of business is in London and since December 2003 has been listed on the London Stock Exchange and Australian Securities Exchange - appearing in the FTSE 250 and ASX 100 indices. Henderson Group has approximately 40,000 shareholders worldwide. Since 31 October 2008, the Group has been incorporated in Jersey. Established in 1934 to administer the estates of Alexander Henderson, the first Lord Faringdon, Henderson Global Investors (Henderson) is a leading independent global asset management firm. The company provides its institutional, retail and high net-worth clients access to skilled investment professionals representing a broad range of asset classes, including equities, fixed income, property and alternative investments. With its principal place of business in London, Henderson is one of Europe&s;s largest investment managers, with £92.7bn assets under management and employs around 1000 people worldwide (as at 31 March 2016). In Europe, Henderson has offices in Amsterdam, Edinburgh, Frankfurt, Luxembourg, Madrid, Milan, Paris, Zurich and London. Henderson has had a presence in North America since 1999, when it acquired US real estate investment manager Phoenix Realty Advisers, and has offices in Boston, Chicago and Philadelphia. In Asia, Henderson has offices in New Delhi, Singapore (Asia headquarters), Hong Kong, Tokyo and Beijing as well as in Sydney, Australia. With investment expertise across every asset class, Henderson&s;s skilful investment managers invest in every major market around the globe. They are supported by a global team of researchers and economists who have a keen understanding of the economic forces driving the security markets and who undertake rigorous sector and theme analysis. Underpinning this process is a comprehensive risk-control framework to ensure that investment views are translated into portfolios managed in line with investors&s; risk and return requirements.

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Announced Date Company Transaction Money Raised
5/2006 Alaunos Therapeutics Post-IPO Equity 0
12/2017 Simba Sleep Series B 0
2/2012 Verona Pharma Post-IPO Equity 11.5M
4/2008 Sharda Cropchem Private Equity Round 0
2/2017 Simba Sleep Debt Financing 0
2/2007 Alaunos Therapeutics Post-IPO Equity 0
12/2017 Simba Sleep Series B 0
2/2017 Simba Sleep Debt Financing 0
2/2012 Verona Pharma Post-IPO Equity 0
4/2008 Sharda Cropchem Private Equity Round 0
2/2007 Ziopharm oncology Post-IPO Equity 0
5/2006 Ziopharm oncology Post-IPO Equity 0
Name Price
Name Size Announced Date

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