Venture MLS

Venture MLS has launched a $10MM fund built to back seed and early-stage companies within the property technology space.

Business Model:

Revenue: $0

Employees: 0-0


Industries / Tags:

Detailed Venture MLS Information

Geographic Data

Venture MLS headquarters map

Address: -

City: Chino Hills

State: CA

Zip: 91708

Country: US

Financial Info


Raised Last:


Raised Total:



0Website Global Rank

0Website Monthly Traffic

Twitter Followers


Venture MLS has launched a $10MM fund built to back seed and early-stage companies within the property technology space. Founded in 2021 by prominent veterans of organized real estate, Venture MLS seeks companies that can leverage the unmatched experience, expertise, and connections it holds in this well-defined, underserved industry.

Contact Phone:

Contact Email:

Announced Date Company Transaction Money Raised
8/2022 RentSpree Series B 0
6/2022 Styldod Seed Round 0
8/2022 SavvyCard Venture Round -
8/2022 RentSpree Series B 0
8/2022 SavvyCard Venture Round -
6/2022 Styldod Seed Round 0

Startup Industries

Startup Locations

Portfolio Current Status

Portfolio Employee Count

Name Price
Name Size Announced Date

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