Time Crowd

We represent ambitious executives from top companies &a; find them advisory roles at mission driven start ups.

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We represent ambitious executives from top companies finding them the perfect start ups to advise. 18,883 new start ups are born every day, but only 30% of founders manage to find advisors outside of their immediate network This means that it is hard to find new sources of revenue, talent and funding. If not addressed within a year; there&s;s a 75% chance of failure. Senior leaders on the other hand spend on average 40 hours on due diligence for every start up that they consider advising. ā€‹ With an average salary of around $300 per hour, this could equal to $12,000 of wasted time. We help advisors save this time, effort and energy matching the perfect advisors and founders.

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Announced Date Company Transaction Money Raised
9/2022 Neuphony Non Equity Assistance -
9/2022 Neuphony Non Equity Assistance -

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