SpeakEasy Political

SpeakEasy creates multi-channel ad tools to power Democratic campaigns and causes.

Business Model:

Revenue: $0

Employees: 11-50


Detailed SpeakEasy Political Information

Geographic Data

SpeakEasy Political headquarters map

Address: 160 Pine Street Ste 700

City: San Francisco

State: CA

Zip: 94111

Country: US

Financial Info


pre seed

Raised Last:


Raised Total:



6,135,720Website Global Rank

1,192Website Monthly Traffic

Twitter Followers


SpeakEasy Political democratizes the political process by making it cheaper and easier for campaigns to use top-of-the-line political tools to communicate with voters. Instead of hiring a consultant to write your message and produce custom art for every mailer and digital ad, SpeakEasy allows campaigns to combine pre-built and poll-tested templates with their own photography and text to produce their own direct mail and digital ads. Because we cut out the middlemen, you can reach more voters cheaper and faster than ever before. SpeakEasy was created by a group of political consultants who know the industry inside and out and who recognized an unfortunate truth: large numbers of candidates and causes were being shut out of the democratic process because they were unable to pay the high prices required to get their message out. SpeakEasy democratizes the campaign process to put you in control of your messaging, targeting, and delivery.

Contact Phone:

Contact Email:

Announced Date Company Transaction Money Raised
Announced Date Transaction Number of Investors Money Raised Lead Investors
6/2019 Pre Seed Round 1 - Higher Ground Labs
Higher Ground Labs
6/2019 Pre Seed Round -
6/2015 Angel Round -
6/2019 Pre Seed Round 1 - Higher Ground Labs
Higher Ground Labs
6/2019 Pre Seed Round -
6/2015 Angel Round -
Announced Date Name Price

Employee Departments

Employee States

Uniview Singapore VEID Logo
Uniview Singapore VEID
Revenue: 0 - 100000
Industry: Software
Konkuk University Medical Center Logo
Konkuk University Medical Center
Revenue: 0 - 100000
Employees: 51 - 500
Industry: Education
Daemon Technologies Logo
Daemon Technologies
Revenue: 0 - 100000
Employees: 1 - 10
Industry: Blockchain
Ace International Trade Logo
Ace International Trade
Revenue: 0 - 100000
Employees: 11 - 50
Industry: Industrial
An Hòa Communications Logo
An Hòa Communications
Revenue: 0 - 100000
Employees: 1 - 10
Industry: Advertising

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