Enterprise Diversified is a business holding company that specializes in asset management, internet and real estate sectors.
Business Model:
Revenue: $0
Employees: 1-10
Address: 1518 Willow Lawn Drive,
City: Richmond
State: VA
Zip: 23230
Country: US
Enterprise Diversified is a business holding company that specializes in asset management, internet and real estate sectors.
Contact Phone:
Contact Email:
Announced Date | Company | Transaction | Money Raised |
Announced Date | Transaction | Number of Investors | Money Raised | Lead Investors | 7/1999 | Venture Round | 1 | - |
Wavemaker Partners Wavemaker Partners |
8/2016 | Post-IPO Equity | $3.9M | 7/1999 | Venture Round | 1 | - |
Wavemaker Partners Wavemaker Partners |
Announced Date | Name | Price |
8/2010 | jellico.com, Inc. | |
2/2009 | Pulaski Networks | |
11/2008 | DONOBI | |
8/2008 | Velocity West | |
6/2008 | AdaNet | |
5/2008 | United Systems Access | |
4/2008 | N2 The Net | |
3/2008 | Comcation | |
3/2008 | Dial Assurance | |
6/2007 | AlaNet Internet Services |
Revenue: 0 - 100000 Employees: Industry: Software |
Revenue: 0 - 100000 Employees: 51 - 500 Industry: Education |
Revenue: 0 - 100000 Employees: 1 - 10 Industry: Blockchain |
Revenue: 0 - 100000 Employees: 11 - 50 Industry: Industrial |
Revenue: 0 - 100000 Employees: 1 - 10 Industry: Advertising |