Renderro, Inc

Work remotely using your own supercomputer in the cloud. Run all challenging software from any device and collaborate easily with your team.

Business Model:

Revenue: $0

Employees: 1-10

Detailed Renderro, Inc Information

Geographic Data

Renderro, Inc headquarters map


City: Delaware City

State: Delaware


Country: United States

Financial Info



Raised Last:


Raised Total:



2,295,819Website Global Rank

8,231Website Monthly Traffic

Twitter Followers


Renderro enables filmmakers, graphic designers and animators to create their content fully in the cloud. We have imagined a world where they never again have to buy or upgrade expensive tools and where they can enjoy the freedom to work and collaborate from anywhere in the world. Our mission is simple. It is to enable creatives to just focus on the creative process. Without being limited by their hardware or burdened by the technical aspects ever again. We believe that every creative should have access to the best creative tools. And our goal is to deliver them to everyone who wants to change the world with their ideas. No matter where they are or who they are. Renderro is set to enable creating diverse, borderless teams by allowing remote and real-time collaboration between creatives through an intuitive and accessible cloud solution. Connect. Create. Share. Effortlessly.

Contact Phone:

Contact Email:

Announced Date Company Transaction Money Raised
Announced Date Transaction Number of Investors Money Raised Lead Investors
11/2019 Non Equity Assistance 1 - Google for Startups
Google for Startups
12/2021 Seed Round $0 SMOK Ventures
SMOK Ventures
11/2019 Angel Round $52.5k
6/2020 Pre Seed Round 1 $253.4k Simpact VC
Simpact VC
Simpact VC
Simpact VC
3/2020 Grant 1 $315.9k Polish Agency for Enterprise Development
Polish Agency for Enterprise Development
Polish Agency for Enterprise Development
Polish Agency for Enterprise Development
12/2021 Seed Round 1 $244.5k SMOK Ventures
SMOK Ventures
Announced Date Name Price

Employee Departments

Employee States

Uniview Singapore VEID Logo
Uniview Singapore VEID
Revenue: 0 - 100000
Industry: Software
Konkuk University Medical Center Logo
Konkuk University Medical Center
Revenue: 0 - 100000
Employees: 51 - 500
Industry: Education
Daemon Technologies Logo
Daemon Technologies
Revenue: 0 - 100000
Employees: 1 - 10
Industry: Blockchain
Ace International Trade Logo
Ace International Trade
Revenue: 0 - 100000
Employees: 11 - 50
Industry: Industrial
An Hòa Communications Logo
An Hòa Communications
Revenue: 0 - 100000
Employees: 1 - 10
Industry: Advertising

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