Poppy Bank

poppy bank is the grown to eleven branches across the San Francisco Bay Area and one branch in Southern California .

Business Model:

Revenue: $112.3M

Employees: 51-200


Detailed Poppy Bank Information

Geographic Data

Poppy Bank headquarters map

Address: 438 First Street

City: Santa Rosa

State: CA

Zip: 95401

Country: US

Financial Info


Raised Last:


Raised Total:



660,003Website Global Rank

48,105Website Monthly Traffic

Twitter Followers


Poppy bank have loan production offices in Northern and Southern California, as well as in Washington, Oregon, and Arizona. Our commitment to providing the best products and services has propelled they are success and garnered national recognition of their performance. Poppy Bank is 5-star rated by BauerFinancial, the nation’s leading independent bank and credit union rating firm, and is recognized as one of the strongest financial institutions in the country.

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Announced Date Company Transaction Money Raised
1/2022 Chinese Hospital Debt Financing 103M
1/2022 Chinese Hospital Debt Financing 0
Name Price
Name Size Announced Date

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