
OrangeBidz is a penny auctions site which has been created to give users the chance of getting items at really low costs rather than buying.

Business Model: B2C

Revenue: $0

Employees: 1-10

Detailed Orangebidz Information

Geographic Data

Orangebidz headquarters map


City: Upland

State: CA

Zip: 91786

Country: US

Financial Info


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0Website Global Rank

0Website Monthly Traffic

Twitter Followers


Orangebidz is an online penny auction site that provides users with a fun, fast paced venue for online shopping. Introduced in 2011, OrangeBidz offers daily auctions consisting of brand new, brand name products. Unlike traditional auctions, users must first purchase bids in order to participate. Bid Packs are offered in different quantities ranging from 30-500. Upon registration, you are able to test drive the site with a designated amount of free bids. Enabling members to get a feel for the timers, and the overall functionality of the website. Standard [penny auctions]( consist of a timer that resets 15 seconds every time a bid is placed. This will cause the auction price will go up one penny. When the timer runs out, the last user to place a bid wins. Other types of auction formats that are included consist of: Beginner Auctions which are exclusive to members with 5 or less wins. Bid Free Auctions where users can place bids at no charge, only paying the final auction end price. Cash Back Auctions where users will receive a designated amount of bids back once the auction has ended. Special Event Auctions where Orange will go all out offering something new and incredible. Bids can be placed either manually, or by using a popular feature known as the "autobidder." This allows users can book a specified amount of bids to be placed on their behalf. OrangeBidz is a company who has dedicated themselves to providing unparalleled customer service. Known for their lightening fast shipping, they have become a rising star in the industry over the past few months.

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Announced Date Company Transaction Money Raised
Announced Date Transaction Number of Investors Money Raised Lead Investors
Announced Date Name Price

Employee Departments

Employee States

Uniview Singapore VEID Logo
Uniview Singapore VEID
Revenue: 0 - 100000
Industry: Software
Konkuk University Medical Center Logo
Konkuk University Medical Center
Revenue: 0 - 100000
Employees: 51 - 500
Industry: Education
Daemon Technologies Logo
Daemon Technologies
Revenue: 0 - 100000
Employees: 1 - 10
Industry: Blockchain
Ace International Trade Logo
Ace International Trade
Revenue: 0 - 100000
Employees: 11 - 50
Industry: Industrial
An Hòa Communications Logo
An Hòa Communications
Revenue: 0 - 100000
Employees: 1 - 10
Industry: Advertising

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