
A launchpad designed to fast-track startups focused on decarbonizing the real estate industry

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Revenue: $0

Employees: 0-0


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At Upward Labs, our mission is to create the pathway for established enterprises and startups to work together in creating forward-thinking and sustainable solutions. At our core, we are an active matchmaker between startups and enterprises ensuring effective communication, efficiency, trust, and ultimately, a successful partnership. Our experienced team has a record of success in the industry working with early and growth-stage startups from around the world. Our ever-expanding network of enterprise partners includes building owners, operators, developers, vendors and suppliers who trust us to serve as a middleman, specializing in the art of successful collaboration and the formation of meaningful relationships. Upward’s Net Zero Lab is a launchpad for innovative Net Zero startups to get to the next level. The centerpiece of the Lab is a fast paced, intense three month window (the “Program”) where startups meet regularly with large and marquee Enterprise Partners who express interest in them. Startups work to solve the Enterprise Partner’s pressing challenges, collaborate on promising use cases, pilots and deals, and gain vital feedback necessary to be successful in the market. Startups have access to a hand picked group of business advisors and experts during the program who can who help startups overcome common limitations and barriers to scale. After the Program, the Lab offers further commercialization support and advisory services for selected startups, providing an end to end experience for only the most promising startups.

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Announced Date Company Transaction Money Raised
7/2020 Djinn Sensor Pre Seed Round -
7/2020 Unifi.id Seed Round -
2/2019 BEAD Technology Convertible Note 0
7/2020 Komfort IQ Seed Round -
7/2020 ImagineX Pre Seed Round 0
7/2020 HeyHerbie Pre Seed Round 0
9/2020 OVAL Digital Seed Round 0
7/2020 CleanAir Seed Round -
8/2019 SAYA Life Seed Round 0
7/2020 Cutii Pre Seed Round -
9/2020 OVAL Digital Seed Round 0
7/2020 ImagineX Pre Seed Round 0
7/2020 Komfort IQ Seed Round -
7/2020 Cutii Pre Seed Round -
7/2020 Unifi.id Seed Round -
7/2020 Djinn Sensor Pre Seed Round -
7/2020 CleanAir Seed Round -
7/2020 HeyHerbie Pre Seed Round 0
8/2019 SAYA Life Seed Round 0
2/2019 BEAD Technology Convertible Note 0

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