Gerald R. Ford International Airport

Gerald R. Ford International Airport is served by five passenger airlines with 120 daily nonstop scheduled flight.

Business Model:

Revenue: $10M

Employees: 2-10


Detailed Gerald R. Ford International Airport Information

Geographic Data

Gerald R. Ford International Airport headquarters map

Address: 5500 44th Street SE

City: Grand Rapids

State: MI

Zip: 49512-4055

Country: US

Financial Info


Raised Last:


Raised Total:



427,488Website Global Rank

95,771Website Monthly Traffic

Twitter Followers


GFIA operates an airport that offers flight transportation services and amenities.

Contact Phone:

Contact Email:

Announced Date Company Transaction Money Raised
9/2022 EVA Grant -
9/2022 Dataspeed Grant -
9/2022 Renu Robotics Grant -
9/2022 Aircraft Data Fusion Grant -
9/2022 Spotter ID Grant -
9/2022 EVA Grant -
9/2022 Spotter ID Grant -
9/2022 Renu Robotics Grant -
9/2022 Aircraft Data Fusion Grant -
9/2022 Dataspeed Grant -

Startup Industries

Startup Locations

Portfolio Current Status

Portfolio Employee Count

Name Price
Name Size Announced Date

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