Georgian Pine Investments

Georgian Pine Investments is primarily focused on investments.

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Georgian Pine Investments is primarily focused on investments in the telecom, media and technology sectors in China. Georgian Pine&s;s Partners have been involved with starting leading media companies like Columbia Pictures Asia and backing successful technology companies including: Atheros Communications (Nasdaq: ATHR), Epinions (eBay), Onebox (OPWV) and Shawei (Tom Group).

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Announced Date Company Transaction Money Raised
1/2017 Two Bit Circus Series B 15M
5/2006 Lingtu Software Venture Round 30M
12/2007 Bitauto Holdings Series C 15M
1/2017 Two Bit Circus Series B 0
12/2007 Bitauto Holdings Series C 0
5/2006 Lingtu Software Venture Round 0
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