Garden City Companies

Purpose-driven holding company that acquires &a; permanently holds family-owned service businesses.

Business Model: B2B

Revenue: $0

Employees: 0-0


Detailed Garden City Companies Information

Geographic Data

Garden City Companies headquarters map

Address: 199 Armour Drive North East

City: Atlanta

State: GA

Zip: 30324

Country: US

Financial Info


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Raised Total:



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3,420Website Monthly Traffic

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Garden City is a buy &a; hold, purpose-driven holding company building the service companies of tomorrow. Think the next-generation Service Master focused on building the most caring &a; innovative service companies in the world. We&s;ve raised $50M of permanent capital from mission-aligned investors to buy, grow &a; hold great family-owned service businesses. We help fuel growth by coming alongside management teams to assist with culture, tech-enablement &a; sales. Our vision is to create a world where all service workers can thrive &a; truly love their jobs.

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Announced Date Company Transaction Money Raised
2/2021 Pathway Healthcare Private Equity Round -
3/2020 Series B 18M
4/2022 Connext Private Equity Round -
1/2022 Duncan &a; Sons Building Maintenance Private Equity Round -
3/2020 Series B 0

Startup Industries

Startup Locations

Portfolio Current Status

Portfolio Employee Count

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