CPAB is a language and computer school.
Business Model:
Revenue: $0
Employees: 0-0
City: Brussels
State: Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Country: Belgium
CPAB provides training such as French as a foreign language, grammar, and spelling, Dutch, English, conversation tables, office automation. French for a foreign language course at day and evening. They offer conversation tables, phonetics workshops, written special. They offer written French, grammar &a; spelling courses day and evening. They offer English courses during the day and evening. They offer the Dutch course at day and evening. They offer office in the morning.
Contact Phone:
Contact Email:
Announced Date | Company | Transaction | Money Raised |
Announced Date | Transaction | Number of Investors | Money Raised | Lead Investors |
Announced Date | Name | Price |
Revenue: 0 - 100000 Employees: Industry: Software |
Revenue: 0 - 100000 Employees: 51 - 500 Industry: Education |
Revenue: 0 - 100000 Employees: 1 - 10 Industry: Blockchain |
Revenue: 0 - 100000 Employees: 11 - 50 Industry: Industrial |
Revenue: 0 - 100000 Employees: 1 - 10 Industry: Advertising |