
Connected is a web-based contacts manager that unifies the user&s;s contacts across their emails and social media into one interface.

Business Model:

Revenue: $0

Employees: 11-50

Detailed Connected Information

Geographic Data

Connected headquarters map


City: San Francisco

State: California


Country: United States

Financial Info



Raised Last:


Raised Total:



0Website Global Rank

0Website Monthly Traffic

Twitter Followers


Connected is a personal relationship manager that brings all your contacts and conversations together in one place. Connected was born from the realization that the story of success in almost every business endeavor starts with relationships. Maybe it&s;s your buddy that introduces you to a potential customer that becomes a landmark deal. Or your biz dev counterpart at a large firm who turns out to be a former classmate and helps you secure a key partnership. Or discovering an old friend who is in your industry and the ideal VP for your company. Yet how many of these situations feel serendipitous? And do you really feel in control of your network? Connected was developed to help you maximize the potential of your relationships by helping you build rapport with new people, stay in touch with the important people in your network, and find the right person for the task at hand. With the advent of social networking, we are able to connect with more people than ever before in all stages of our lives. This creates new possibilities of staying in touch with your network. Yet at the same time it means more noise and information from every single person you may have ever interacted with. You need the right tools to manage these contacts and ensure the most important ones are surfaced to you when they matter.

Contact Phone:

Contact Email:

Announced Date Company Transaction Money Raised
Announced Date Transaction Number of Investors Money Raised Lead Investors
6/2011 Angel Round 5 $500k 500 Global
Trinity Ventures
Ignition Partners
Mark Gray
Michael Hoydich
500 Global
Trinity Ventures
Ignition Partners
Mark Gray
Michael Hoydich
Announced Date Name Price

Employee Departments

Employee States

Uniview Singapore VEID Logo
Uniview Singapore VEID
Revenue: 0 - 100000
Industry: Software
Konkuk University Medical Center Logo
Konkuk University Medical Center
Revenue: 0 - 100000
Employees: 51 - 500
Industry: Education
Daemon Technologies Logo
Daemon Technologies
Revenue: 0 - 100000
Employees: 1 - 10
Industry: Blockchain
Ace International Trade Logo
Ace International Trade
Revenue: 0 - 100000
Employees: 11 - 50
Industry: Industrial
An Hòa Communications Logo
An Hòa Communications
Revenue: 0 - 100000
Employees: 1 - 10
Industry: Advertising

You know, we could be doing all this for you..

CoBee's Logo

Be ahead of your competition

  • Realtime intelligence
  • Automated contact tracking
  • Unmatched insights
  • Eliminate manual research