Cherokee County Electric Cooperative is an electrical distribution company which provides electric services.
Business Model: Non-Profit
Revenue: $49.3M
Employees: 501-1,000
Address: 29880 Hwy 69 North
City: Rusk
State: TX
Zip: 75785
Country: US
CCECA is a nonprofit distribution cooperative. This type of co-op buys electricity from wholesale providers, arranges for its transmission, and distributes the power to members through the co-op’s power lines. their members decide who governs the co-op, and they receive a share of the annual profits and belong to an organization that’s deeply involved in their communities.
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Announced Date | Company | Transaction | Money Raised |
Announced Date | Transaction | Number of Investors | Money Raised | Lead Investors |
Announced Date | Name | Price |
Revenue: 0 - 100000 Employees: Industry: Software |
Revenue: 0 - 100000 Employees: 51 - 500 Industry: Education |
Revenue: 0 - 100000 Employees: 1 - 10 Industry: Blockchain |
Revenue: 0 - 100000 Employees: 11 - 50 Industry: Industrial |
Revenue: 0 - 100000 Employees: 1 - 10 Industry: Advertising |