Brella Brella

Brella Brella manufactures an adjustable, waterproof rain jackets designed for active outdoor sportsmen + women.

Business Model: B2C

Revenue: $0

Employees: 1-10

Detailed Brella Brella Information

Geographic Data

Brella Brella headquarters map


City: Rochester

State: New York


Country: United States

Financial Info


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0Website Global Rank

0Website Monthly Traffic

Twitter Followers


Brella Brella LLC (“BB”) specializes in personal protection equipment (PPE) products with our initial products in the waterproof clothing market which offer protection from the rain, wind and environmental influences. The first product we are introducing is called The Brella® and we are the first to market with this design. The Brella has several novel features and one size fits most, no multiple sizes. You can customize the fit around the waist by snapping the back panel to the front, which also minimizes the garment flapping in the wind. Another feature allows the user to roll the head piece back in three spots to customize user peripheral vision. The design provides active, outdoor sports participants with total upper body freedom of movement and protection. The Brella can also be used as a layer over a complementary material, improving the total level of weather protection. Our major market is the global personal protective equipment (PPE) market which was valued at $38.38 billion in 2015 and our emphasis will in in outdoor sports. Our initial market will be fishing and in 2011, $424M was spent on fishing clothing and foul weather gear. The global fishing market growth from 2018 – 2022 is expected to be 3.71% CAGR. Other outdoor markets include golf, hunting, fishing, hiking, kayaking, resorts and fans watching sporting events. Commercial labor, Government, business and military markets will be addressed in the future. Our initial sales strategy is to sell direct on our web site and then via the indirect channels. Direct and e-Commerce will sell B2B and B2C and indirect channel will sell B2B. Other sales will come from OEM sales to end users like UPS, FedEx, USPS We have signed up the largest fly fishing distributor in the US, Angler Sport Group, , and are working with other as well. Design and utility patents have been filed to protect the Intellectual Property (IP) and a registered trademark registration has been approved for “Brella®” . We are using “Brella Brella™” and “Get Your Brella on, Baby!™” as trademarks. Brella Brella believes we can earn licensing fees from our utility patent when issued. Financing ($300K) is needed for inventory, legal, marketing activities and trade shows, for a crowdfunding campaign and SG&a;A. Funds will also be used for a Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) filing on our patent applications and global Brella trademark protection. We will launch a crowdfunding campaign to introduce new products measure expanded market acceptance of new products and buy and ship inventory. Brella Brella intends to use a convertible instrument for this raise.

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Announced Date Company Transaction Money Raised
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Announced Date Name Price

Employee Departments

Employee States

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