Augustus Ventures Limited

About Augustus Ventures Augustus Ventures is a leading venture capital advisory and consulting firm helping early-stage companies.

Business Model: Consulting

Revenue: $0

Employees: 0-0


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About Augustus Ventures Augustus Ventures is a leading venture capital advisory and consulting firm helping early-stage companies. We believe that building a business requires full-time attention of the management team. We help entrepreneurs stay focused on growing the business and assist them with the fundraising process and secure funding in the minimal time. VC Perspective Having worked as a venture capitalist for several years, we provide a VC&s;s perspective to the management team before companies approach venture capital firms. Given VC firms are usually presented with a large number of investment opportunities and typically invest in a very small number of companies, we work very closely with the management team in presenting their value proposition to the investors properly and in the most efficient manner. Additionally, as VCs look for certain key attributes in investment opportunities, we assist the companies to highlight and communicate these points effectively. Investor Contacts Most VC firms specialize by stage, sector or geographical preference and usually work with a trusted ecosystem of executives, advisors and other venture capital firms when making new investments. Over the last decade, we have worked with over 100+ venture capital firms (including most top-tier VCs) closely in various roles ranging from sharing portfolio companies as investment opportunities, board advisors and co-investors. With our understanding of each investor&s;s focus and strengths, we work with our companies in identifying the right investor partners and then approach our investor contacts to secure funding for our companies.

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Announced Date Company Transaction Money Raised
12/2011 Legend3D Venture Round 19M
2/2013 Legend3D Series B 8M
9/2014 Legend3D Series C 10M
9/2008 Legend Films Series E 5M
9/2008 RiffTrax Series E 5M
7/2009 Rocket Racing League Venture Round 5.5M
9/2014 Legend3D Series C 0
2/2013 Legend3D Series B 0
12/2011 Legend3D Venture Round 0
7/2009 Rocket Racing League Venture Round 0
9/2008 RiffTrax Series E 0
9/2008 Legend Films Series E 0

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