Aspinall Capital Partners

A merchant banking platform servicing the investment needs of a small and defined group of celebrated entrepreneurs.

Business Model: B2B

Revenue: $0

Employees: 0-0


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Detailed Aspinall Capital Partners Information

Geographic Data

Aspinall Capital Partners headquarters map

Address: 10 Carlos Place

City: London

State: england

Zip: W1K 3AT

Country: GB

Financial Info


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Aspinall Capital Partners (‘ACP’) is a merchant banking platform servicing the investment needs of a small and defined group of celebrated entrepreneurs. They evaluate opportunities within the context of their investors’ commercial assets to best leverage their capital and provide genuine business development propositions to their portfolio companies. The ACP partners invest as principal, thereby aligning interests with those of their investors. The Navigator Fund is their first private equity vehicle and is designed to capitalise on industrial technology and advanced manufacturing related investment opportunities between Europe and Asia. It invests in outstanding companies, visionary managers and entrepreneurs who seek to develop their businesses with a truly global mindset. Their investors and advisors are proven entrepreneurs who have built businesses from the ground up and embody, through their relentless search for opportunity, exactly what they seek to achieve as a firm. Their team is able to assist in all aspects of growing a company but it is access to their investor base, their networks and their operating companies that defines an investment from ACP.

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Announced Date Company Transaction Money Raised
1/2015 Gemini-Rosemont Realty Venture Round -
1/2015 The Sutton King Edward Square Venture Round -
3/2014 IEE Venture Round -
5/2014 R&a;B Technology Group Series A 0
1/2015 The Sutton King Edward Square Venture Round -
1/2015 Gemini-Rosemont Realty Venture Round -
5/2014 R&a;B Technology Group Series A 0
3/2014 IEE Venture Round -

Startup Industries

Startup Locations

Portfolio Current Status

Portfolio Employee Count

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Name Size Announced Date

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